How to order
Here is a little step by step guide to help you through our ordering process. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to help.
Step 1
At the top of the home page you will see in the blue bar different sections.
Choose either Pick any 6 , Pick 12 pay for 11 or Collection Boxes.
Step 2
Our minimum order is 6 flapjacks as this fills your box
ready for secure shipping.
So if you choose any 6 from the pick and 6 section this is 1 box.
Or chose 12 for the 11 offer, if you would like more, chose 18, 24 and so on
Step 3
Add your selections to your shopping basket and then proceed to the checkout.
Step 4
Once you have proceeded to the checkout you will be asked to sign in or continue as a guest check out. Simply fill in the info required and then continue through to the secure Paypal page.
Not got paypal? No problem.
You can also pay with credit or debit card through the paypal secure page. Click on the Paypal payment option then once referred you will get the option to pay by card.
Once your order is complete we will start baking!
Thank you for shopping with us.
Remember to follow us on Facebook and now Instagram!
Facebook: The Wilde Bakery
Instagram: WBArtisanflapjack
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